The department of mathematics is one of the three oldest departments of the college. It was started in the year1986 at the time of inception of the college. The department offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mathematics.M.Sc. mathematics was introduced in the year 2003. During 2016 the department added M.Phil. course.. The department handles mathematics as allied subject for B.Sc. physics and chemistry. For M.Sc. computer science, M.Com.,B.B.A , B.Com . and B.Com.CA the department offers Discrete mathematics, Quantitative techniques for decision making, business statistics and business mathematics as one of the core papers Mathematical foundation for computer science ,Resource Management techniques,Operations Research and Numerical Analysis are offered as the allied papers by the department to B.C.A. and B.Sc. IT. As non major elective the department offers Fundamentals of statistics I and Fundamentals of statistics II for the students who opted it as elective.The department also offers ancient Vedic Mathematics as Certificate course by which number of students got benefited and the journey continues.
Designation : HOD
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA, DGT., Ph.D.
Research Area : Functional Analysis
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Dr.(Smt.). A. Mahalakshmi
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., CGT, Ph.D.
Research Area : GRAPH THEORY
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Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., CGT, Ph.D.,
Research Area : GRAPH THEORY
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Miss.Dr.(Selvi).A. Shunmugapriya
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., DGT
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Reports :
National Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematical Sciences |
Extension Activity (13.09.2022) |
Guest Lecture (28.10.2022) |
Interdepartmental Quiz Competition(19.09.2022) |
Staff and Students Exchange Programme (31.10.2022) |
Team Teaching (18.10.2022) |
Special Lecture (22-08-2023) |
NET/SET Coaching Session - 1 (26.06.2023) |
NET/SET Coaching Session - 2 (02.09.2023) |
NET/ SET coaching for PG Mathematics-session -3(19.09.23) |
Special Lecture-29.09.2023 |
Book Releasing Function (05.10.2023) |
NET/SET Coaching Session - 4(10.10.23) |
National Mathematics Day - 22.12.2023 |
NET/ SET coaching for PG Mathematics Session 5 (14.12.2023) |
NET/ SET coaching for PG Mathematics-Session 6(16.12.2023) |
Srinivasa Ramanujan Forum Euler’s Number e Day Celebration(27.01.2024) |
International Conference on “Mathematical Innovations and Modelling” |
State Level Workshop on Mathematical Documentation using LaTeX-14.2.24 |
Extension Activity -17.02.2024 |
NET/ SET coaching for PG Mathematics- 7 |
NET/ SET coaching for PG Mathematics-8 |
Report On National Science Day -28.02.2024 |
Pi Day Celebration - 14.03.2024 |
NET/ SET coaching for PG Mathematics - 27.03.2024 |
International Conference on “Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics”-30.0 |
National Mathematics Day Celebration -23.12.2024 |